Movie: Prem Geet
Director: Sudarshan Thapa
Starring: Pradeep Khadka, Pooja Sharma, Saroj Khanal, Rupa Rana and Laxmi Giri
In My Eyes: 2.75/5
A good-looking innocent hero, a Mamma’s boy, meets a beautiful fun-loving heroine, a Daddy’s girl, on the way to Kagbeni. They spend few days together (fun moments and a romantic song) and then return to their own lives. Only then, they actually realize the ‘love’ for each other. The problem is that they have lied to their parents, which turns serious enough to create a rift between two families. What follows after is a tragedy.
Sometimes, it’s the presentation and sometimes the performance that lifts up the mediocre script to the good movie, or an enjoyable one. Prem Geet has both of them, plus the music.