Movie: Homework
Director: Nirak Poudel
Script: Shibham Adhikari
Starring: Aryan Sigdel, Gauri Malla, Namrata Shrestha, Bijay Lama, etc.
In My Eyes: 1.5/5
The social drama Homework has tried to show the clash of two generations and deliver the message on the importance of education through an old man’s journey of schooling in his sixties. Now, this very content is actually interesting and when I first saw the trailer, I thought there’s something new, substantial and authentic in this one. Turns out disappointing.
The old man in the movie is a rich businessman, who has ever supporting and loving and caring wife, a son ashamed of his lack of education and a childhood friend in the form of a school principal. An incident or two happens that leads the old man to disappear from his home, only to be found later in the school of his friend, as a student in full uniform. While he continues his study staying at school for years, his son back at home destroys the business due to his arrogance.